Are you here to find out whether canulle is a fraud or a trustworthy company? If you are not sure about this online store, then take a moment and read this article once before making any purchase from canulle shop website.
In this article, we will tell you, whether should you purchase any item from canulle shop or not. This store deals in Furniture. category and their trust score is 27%
What is the canulle shop website?
canulle is an online site that retails in Furniture. category with ANNIKA ACCENT CHAIR, ARVIA MODI ACCENT CHAIR, CHARLOTTE ACCENT CHAIR, KINGSTON ACCENT CHAIR.,and other collections. This website was registered on Server is busy now, please try again later., according to whois record. And the trust score of this site is 27%.
Major Points about canulle website:
- Website name: canulle
- Email:
- Contact address: 53 Main Street , Watsonville 95076 California, United States
- Contact number: +1 601-530-7670
- Products Category: Furniture.
- Options for payment: American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Meta Pay, Shop Pay, discover, Diners Club.
- Delivery time: 5-8 days.
- Return Policy: If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
- Social media links: Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram
Positive Points of this online store:
Valid SSl certificate, HTTPS is present for consumers’ safety.It offers all the accessible and valid policies to the customers.
Negative highlights of canulle Reviews:
This website has a very low trust score 27% which expands the trust concern. The portal has negative reviews on other sites. Website domain is very new, registered on Server is busy now, please try again later., which create trust issues.
Points to prove that the canulle website is a legit or scam
- 1. Website Age: Server is busy now, please try again later.
- 2. Maximum Discount offers: No discount is given.
- 3. Trust Score of Website: 27%
- 4. The legitimacy of the Contact address: 53 Main Street , Watsonville 95076 California, United States
- 5. Customer Complaints: Mail, Number and address.
- 6. The legitimacy of the Email ID:
- 5. Returns and Exchange: If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange.
Frequently asked questions about this onlie store:
Is canulle website fake?
yes, we found this websit suspicious.
Is canulle shop website a scam or trustworthy?
yes, canulle shop might be a scam website. We do not recommend this sit for online purchase.
Is this website legit or not?
no, this online store doesn’t look a legit website
Is canulle website safe?
No, we found this website suspicious.
Our Opinion about canulle:
According to our manual check up, we found this website suspicious and we do not recommend our visitors to make purchase from this website. You can also find out list of scam website in March,2022 here.