Are you here to find out whether Fightersmarkets is a fraud or a trustworthy company? If you are not sure about this online store, then take a moment and read this article once before making any purchase from the fightersmarkets com website.
In this article, we will tell you, whether should you purchase any item from fightersmarkets com or not. This store deals in the bike shed, plastic shed, garbage shed, etc. category, and their trust score is 1%
What is the fightersmarkets com website?
Fightersmarkets is an online site that retails in the bike shed, plastic shed, garbage shed, etc. category with 10′ x 10′ Sun Pent Wooden Garden Potting Shed, Big Max 7 ft. x 7 ft. Storage Shed with Free Utility Hook, 5 ft. 10.5 in. x 3 ft. 8.25 in. x 6 ft. 5.5 in. XL Vertical, SkyLight 6 ft. W x 3.5 ft. D Plastic Storage Shed., and other collections. This website was registered on 23/12/2021. 5 months 22 days, according to the whois record. And the trust score of this site is 1%.
Major Points about Fightersmarkets website:
- Website name: Fightersmarkets
- Email:
- Contact address: 7642 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111.
- Contact number: not available
- Products Category: bike shed, plastic shed, garbage shed, etc.
- Type of Product Name: 10′ x 10′ Sun Pent Wooden Garden Potting Shed, Big Max 7 ft. x 7 ft. Storage Shed with Free Utility Hook, 5 ft. 10.5 in. x 3 ft. 8.25 in. x 6 ft. 5.5 in. XL Vertical, SkyLight 6 ft. W x 3.5 ft. D Plastic Storage Shed.
- Options for payment: Paypal, MasterCard, VISA, etc., so you can pay for your order online.`
- Delivery time: Orders placed before 3 pm, Monday – Friday, will be shipped the same day. Orders placed after 3 pm will be sent the following working day.
- Return Policy: 30 days
- Social media links: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Positive Points of this online store:
Valid SSL certificate, HTTPS is present for consumers’ safety. It offers all the accessible and valid policies to the customers.
Negative highlights of Fightersmarkets Reviews:
This website has a very low trust score of 1% which expands the trust concern. The portal has negative reviews on other sites. The website domain is very new, registered on 23/12/2021. 5 months 22 days, which creates trust issues.
Points to prove that the Fightersmarkets website is a legit or scam
- 1. Website Age: 23/12/2021. 5 months 22 days
- 2. Maximum Discount offers: free shipping all over
- 3. Trust Score of Website: 1%
- 4. The legitimacy of the Contact address: 7642 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92111.
- 5. Customer Complaints: not available
- 6. The legitimacy of the Email ID:
- 5. Returns and Exchange: 30 days
Frequently asked questions about this online store:
Is Fightersmarket’s website fake?
yes, we found this website suspicious.
Is fightersmarkets com website a scam or trustworthy?
yes, fightersmarkets com might be a scam website. We do not recommend this sit for online purchases.
Is this website legit or not?
no, this online store doesn’t look like a legit website
Is Fightersmarkets website safe?
No, we found this website suspicious.
Our Opinion about Fightersmarkets :
According to our manual check-up, we found this website suspicious and we do not recommend our visitors to make purchases from this website. You can also find out list of scam websites in March 2022 here.