Flixreview.com review: Is flixreview.com Legit?

Is flixreview.com a rip off? Our low-trust score is a strong indicator that “yes” may be the answer. Our in depth review is based upon 53 powerful indicators we aggregated. To expose high-risk behaviour and see if flixreview.com a is scam, our review was based off of 53 factors. Let’s take a look at flixreview.com and its business. You’ll find out how to recognize and block fraudulent websites as well what you can take if you lost your money.

Flixreview.com Scam Overview

Flixreview.com has been a scam designed to target Netflix users. This elaborate con tricks victims by promising fake Netflix work opportunities.

This clever scam starts when potential victim’s receive spam email or see sponsored social posts saying Netflix urgently need to hire people near them. The messages say things like “Netflix hiring in Houston” or even “Netflix wants 500 new hires at Miami.”

These ads, emails and other communications include links to Flixreview.com. It features the Netflix standard logo and branding across the site. This page initially appears to be an official Netflix job portal.

Flixreview’s site states that a very limited number of applicants will be considered and that there are a lot of spots available. The website claims that over 500 people had applied the same day in the city of victim.

However, this website has absolutely no affiliation to Netflix. Flixreview.com a scam website that is only set up to defraud victims of their personal information and money.

It is not true that clicking the Apply Now Button will actually take you to Netflix’s application page. Instead, it redirects the victims through a variety of shady website that attempt to make profit from tricked customers in various ways.

Some users have reported being redirected towards captcha.club., unlockrwrd.com., rewardsgiantusa.com. and other third-party websites that appear to be questionable. The redirection is dependent on which sites pay Flixreview.com high affiliate fees for every victim they refer.

The scammers want to trick victims into giving them their names, email addresses, credit cards, phone numbers, etc. The scam sites use this information to collect hidden monthly fees or to sell the data to other cyber criminals.

In the meantime, victims are never contacted about the fake Netflix position they applied for. There isn’t a real Netflix job application. Netflix’s prominent branding and message of urgent hiring were intended solely to mislead victims into thinking that the job was legitimate.

By using trusted names like Netflix, these scammers can manipulate more easily unsuspecting consumers. Flixreview.com actually has nothing to do with Netflix. It is a fraudulent site that just stole branding from Netflix in order to appear more credible.

This insidious fraud affects victims in multiple ways. This scam affects victims in multiple ways. Second, the victim’s personal data could be misused for identity fraud. The final blow is that it crushes hopes of job-seekers who thought they had applied for a real Netflix position.

Flixreview.com falsely states that they offer Netflix employment opportunities, and then steals sensitive personal information from victims to trick them into paying unanticipated subscription fees. The entire scam is fraudulent, even though the branding of Netflix was used illegally. Avoid this job scam as much as possible.


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Is flixreview.com a Scam?

How did yo find this page/company? Online ads, suspicious Facebook advertisements, Instagram, email? Please comment on the page below to help many others. What would be your rating if this was the first time you visited it? Share your experience by writing a review. We will now discuss some fraud prevention techniques.

Flixreview.com Netflix Scam Workings

Here is a brief overview of what happens when victims click a website link or ad to get there:

Step 1: Landing the victim on Flixreview.com

The first page victims see is the Netflix logo with the text described in the previous paragraph stating that Netflix needs to hire urgently, as spots will quickly fill up. This page is designed so that it looks like an official Netflix website.

Step 2 Victim Enters email and selects “ApplyNow”

After being lured by the promise that they could get a job with Netflix, the victim enters their email address as instructed and clicks the Apply Now Button. This is what they believe will take them directly to Netflix’s job application.

Step 3 Redirects to another site via an affiliate link

Apply Now sends the victim to a different website instead of Netflix’s job application. Flixreview.com employs affiliate links. This means that victims are sent to different scammy sites.

Step 4: Be Charged for Unwanted Services

Many of the deals that victims accept result in monthly charges being added to their credit card account or bank account.

Some victims are tricked by:

Downloading a free app which then charges you a subscription fee

-Signing Up for a “Risk Free Trial” that automatically transitions in to a Paid Monthly Membership

Give your bank account information for “subscriptions” that charge a monthly fee.

So victims can end up paying monthly charges for services they have never used or wanted. Unwanted services that have already been charged can be difficult for victims to cancel.

Step 5: There is no Netflix Job Applicant

After tricking victims into completing surveys and giving their personal data, the redirect websites never provided the promised Netflix job applications. The entire scheme was a ruse designed to get victims’ data and to sign up for multiple recurring payment systems. Netflix doesn’t have any job opportunities or applications.

By now, the scammers has already accomplished its goal of obtaining personal data and charging hidden fees. The victim is left with confusion and frustration that the Netflix Job Opportunity was fake.

What To Do If You Are A Victim Of The Flixreview Scam

You should immediately take steps to protect your account and recoup lost funds if you entered your personal information into Flixreview.com, and were redirected elsewhere.

1. Contact your Bank or Credit Card Company

Notify your financial institutions immediately if they have received any of your banking or credit card details. If they can stop the pending charges or prevent any future recurrence, then you may have a chance to limit damage and prevent further unauthorized charges. The damage is limited and further charges are prevented.

2. Place Fraud Alert on Your Credit Reports

As scammers can access your personal details, place a Fraud Alert on your reports. This will make opening new accounts under your name more difficult. Contact one of the credit bureaus.

Equifax – 800-525-6285

Experian (888) 397-3742

TransUnion: 800-680-7289

3. Keeping an eye on Your Accounts

Check all of your financial accounts regularly for any signs that unauthorized charges have been made or accessed. Check your bank and card transactions each day to catch problems early. You should identify fraud as soon as possible.

4. Change Account Passwords

Change the passwords on all online accounts immediately if they are similar or the same. Accounts with sensitive data, like your email account, bank account, and credit-card accounts, should be prioritized.

5 Dispute Any Fraudulent Charges

Report any charges that you don’t recognize as fraud to the respective financial institutions. Your credit card company can help you dispute charges and request a chargeback. Report unauthorized bank charges as fraud.

How to remove information from the internet

Whether you like the Internet or not, it has all of your information. How did that happen, exactly? Each time you accept cookies or consent to their forms on a simple website, or when you download an App, unscrupulous brokers of data collect not only your name AND address but also your phone numbers. Also, they sell the data to third parties. This creates a $1billion dollar industry each year. Your personal information is sold to buyers who send you spam, targeted ads, or even telemarketing. They use your information without remorse.

We can help. We have received many questions about removing your personal data from the Internet. Incogni are our official partners who can help you delete your data from the web. This legit tool for data privacy works on your side to officially demand that online brokers remove data.

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