What is the Nenul.com website?
Nenul is an online site that retails in CASUAL DRESSES, TWO PIECES SETS, SPRING & SUMMER, SWEATER & CARDIGAN, WINTER SALE category with TEES, BLOUSES & SHIRTS, LONG SLEEVE TEES & wEATSHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS & HOODIES, PANTS,and other collections. This website was registered on is 8 months old, 28th Sept, 2021, according to whois record. And the trust score of this site is is only 3% which is highly suspicious.Major Points about Nenul website:
Website name: Nenul.com Emil: Nenul@kelamail.com Contact address: is not available, we couldn’t find out any physical address on their website which creates highly trust issue . Contact number: is not available on their website. Products Category CASUAL DRESSES, TWO PIECES SETS, SPRING & SUMMER, SWEATER & CARDIGAN, WINTER SALE Type of Product Name TEES, BLOUSES & SHIRTS, LONG SLEEVE TEES & wEATSHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS & HOODIES, PANTS Options for payment: Online payment option available only Shipping Policies: They provide Free shipping over $79, as they mention in their site. Delivery time: within 35 days Return Policies: within 30 business days Social media links: Social media links found on their website.Positive Points of this online store:
· HTTPS is present for consumers’ safety.
· And social media links are available.
Negative highlights of Nenul website:
· This website has a very low trust score is only 3% which is highly suspicious which expands the trust concern.
· The portal has negative reviews on other sites.
· Website domain is very new, registered on is 8 months old, 28th Sept, 2021, which create trust issues.
· Neither any contact address nor any contact number found on their store.